Short of Deep Sleep Leads to High Blood Pressure

A new study revealed that the lack of sleep could be one of the reasons why people develop high blood pressure. Researchers conducted a study of older men who got the least amount of deep sleep were 80% more likely to develop high pressure compared to those who got longer, less interrupted sleep.

The researchers studied almost 800 healthy men over 65 who didn’t have hypertension when the study started. They were given at-home sleep tests that analyze their sleep patterns and measure their non-rapid eye movement sleep. They monitored their sleep for 3 years and results were published in Hypertension by the American Red Cross Association.

They learned that less of too deep of sleep can cause parts of the brain that control the release of a number of hormones and other substances related to maintaining proper blood pressure to work less efficiently.

Click here to read more—Courtesy of CNN Health


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