Health Boosting Chocolates are on the Rise

So far most Americans know that dark chocolate has more health benefits than milk chocolate, but imagine chocolate with other health-boosting compounds to help prevent against heart disease, cancer and stroke. The markets for these kinds of chocolates are increasing 10% each year. It is now making annual sales of $600 million a year which is only a small percentage of the functional food industry—products marketed as having health benefits—which totals an estimated $20-30 billion a year.

Chocolatiers over the past several years have been creating different kind of chocolates that can help increase stamina, sharpen cognitive skills, and boost the immune system.  They have been doing this by adding a range of super-foods, supplements and spices to their recipes. For example, Antidote Chocolates based in New York have ingredients such as fennel to help with digestion and juniper berries to reduce water retention.

However, nutritionists say that overall dark chocolate must be dark in order to be healthy and that any chocolate containing less than 70% cacao will “offer few benefits and little functionality.” Also remember that chocolates can be full of fat, calories, and sugar so any health benefits can be offset by this. Be sure to read the ingredients and ask questions before purchasing.

Would you be ordering any of these “super” chocolates soon?

Professional Medical

Read original article here—courtesy of Times Healthland.

Snacks under 80 Calories

We found an article on where they gave us different snacks that were less than 80 calories. Below are the top 3 snacks that we thought were satisfying and curb your craving without the guilt!

  1. Root beer float: 62 Calories—-8 ounces A&W Diet Root Beer and 1/3 cup fat-free vanilla ice cream.
  1. Gooey treat: 60 Calories—-Mallomar
  1. Old-school ice cream: 70 Calories—-Creamsicle low-fat pop

What are some of your favorite low calorie snacks?

Click here for more ideas and original article- Courtesy of

Professional Medical

Greek Yogurt vs. Regular Yogurt wrote a good article that summarized the difference between Greek and regular yogurt. Below are just some of the highlights:

Protein: Greek yogurt wins by having nearly twice the protein.

Sodium: Greek has half the salt.

Calcium: If you’re looking for more calcium, regular yogurt is the way to go. It has about three times as much calcium.

Calories: It is about the same if you are comparing similar flavors and fat levels.

Carbohydrates: It depends. Greek plain yogurt has half the sugar than the regular.

Fat: It also depends. Full-fat Greek yogurt has three times the fat of regular, full-fat yogurt. However, there is nonfat or low-fat Greek yogurt as a buying option.

Greek yogurt is usually pricier than regular yogurt, because it takes about three times as much milk to produce a pound of Greek yogurt compared to the regular kind. The reason behind this is the process—for that Greek yogurt taste, it would need to be strained to remove most of the liquid whey to give it that thicker consistency it is known for.

For more info and the original article click here—courtesy of

So which one do you usually like better?

-Professional Medical Corp.

Top Fat Burning Foods

If losing weight is part of your New Year’s resolution, then these foods are some of the top fat burning foods you need to know. gives us some suggestions to burn more calories than ever before.

  1. Whole Grains—By eating whole food in general, your body burns twice as many calories than processed foods.
  2. Low-Fat Dairy Products—These food such as cheese are rich in calcium and vitamin D which can help preserve and build muscle mass—vital for keeping a tough metabolism.
  3. Green TeaThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinking about 4 cups of green tea a day helped people drop more than six pounds in eight weeks! Supposedly, there is a compound in the brew that temporarily increases metabolism after sipping it.
  4. Hot Peppers—The compound, capsaicin, that gives chili peppers their spicy kick, heats up your body and makes you melt additional calories. Any form of pepper works such as raw, cooked, dried, or powdered. This is great news for those who love spicy food.

Click here for more foods—courtesy of

What are some of your suggestions?

-Professional Medical Corp

New Study shows that Americans Consume Too Much Sodium

A new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded that 88% of U.S. children and adults digest more sodium per day than the recommended amount. It is recommended by the U.S.department of Agriculture to consume 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day, but the report suggests that the average American intake is 3,513 milligrams.  That is a whooping 53% the suggested limit.

It is even worse for those who should consume less than 2,300 milligrams. For example, people over 50, African Americans, and people with high blood pressure, diabetes, or kidney disease should only take 1,500 milligrams, but 99% of them surpass the recommended amount with most of them doubling their limit!

Eating a lot of food with high sodium could lead to high blood pressure which consequently leads to heart attacks and strokes.

The government is issuing a National Salt Reduction Initiative to reduce sodium in food by 25% before 2015 rolls around. More than 24 restaurant chains and food manufacturers have signed up for this initiative such as Kraft, Heinz, and Subway.

What do you think of this study?

Read original article here—courtesy of

15 Minutes a Day of Exercise Adds Years to Your Life


Currently, only one third of Americans meet the CDC’s guidelines for physical health which recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, plus additional strength-training.  New research finds that even 15 minutes a day (92 minutes a week) is related to increasing your life expectancy by three years and a 14% reduction in risk of death by any cause. This is compared to a sedentary lifestyle, in other words, a “couch potato.” Each additional 15 minutes of daily exercise reduces the risk of death by another 4% and people who achieved 30 minutes of activity a day found to add four extra years to their life expectancy.

The study involves more than 400,000 people in Taiwanwhere they followed for an average of eight years. The participants were given a questionnaire about their lifestyle and medical history.

Remember, the more exercise the better so don’t do the minimum effort if you have the opportunity to work out longer.


Read original article here-Times Health Land

Tougher rules for Sunscreen Labeling (Finally!)

The FDA has recently announced stricter rules for sunscreen manufacturers on labeling their sun protection claims. There are new provisions that permit simpler sunscreen labels and require the manufacturers to test their product’s effectiveness against UVA and UVB. The UVB rays are known to cause sunburn and both UVA and UVB rays are the foundation to cause skin cancer and wrinkling.

The FDA has been considering the new rules since 1978 and will turn into laws by next summer. They have found that any products with SPF of 2-14 are not effective in reducing the chance of skin cancer or premature skin aging, therefore must include a warning explaining that it hasn’t been proven to reduce the risks of cancer or skin aging. Interestingly enough, the FDA has suggest removing any SPF labels above 50, because they haven’t found any verification that sunscreens with that high of SPFs could give anyone better protection. The administration is continuing to research on the claim until further evidence has been found.

Also, the FDA is requiring all manufacturers to remove words such as “waterproof,” and “sweat-proof” from labels, because they are misleading to the consumers. They have instructed them to use terms such as “water-resistant” and they must label how many minutes that the product could uphold sun protection.

Read the rest of the article here:

What do you think of this news?

Is there a linkage between too much coffee and pregnancy rates?

Times Health Land Magazine reported a new study that claims drinking too much coffee may lower  a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. Researchers at the University of Nevada conducted an experiment on mice and concluded that too much caffeine hindered the progress of specialized cells transporting the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. These specialized cells are in charge of squeezing the eggs around the fallopian tubes efficiently and into the womb.

Sean Ward, a professor of University of Nevada School of Medicine said, “This provides an intriguing explanation as to why women with high caffeine consumption often take longer to conceive than women who do not consume caffeine.” However, past research shows inconsistency linking pregnancy and caffeine rates.

It is advised that women who want to get pregnant should limit themselves about a cup or two of coffee a day or in other words, about 50 milligrams of caffeine intake. This is equivalent to a soda, five chocolate bars or a cup of tea.

Read more:

What do you think of this new study?

Professional Medical Corp

How to get a brighter smile

Flashing a great smile can make anyone’s day. Not only does it give you confidence, it gives you something to smile about. Whitening teeth have been a new trend for many years now and here are some ways to keep them gleaming.

Ever curious what stains teeth? There is a great trick to determine what does and doesn’t stain. If anything that can stain a white cotton T-shirt, then it can discolor your teeth. So watch out for coffee, tea, dark sodas, and fruit juices. Even sport drinks are worst than sweeten fruit juices as they wear down tooth enamel which results in thin, translucent, and discolored teeth. This becomes more noticeable as we slowly age therefore try to prevent sipping on those drinks for a long time and rinse right afterwards. You should attempt picking foods that contain less sugar and more calcium. Calcium makes your teeth stronger giving you that white color and lesser chances of tooth decay.

Salivia also plays a huge part of keeping your teeth clean and shiny. By having more salivia in your mouth, it will increase the likely chance it will wash all those food debris on top of your teeth. Plus, it will counterbalance the acid that causes tooth decay. The next time you are in the grocery store, pick up foods such as sugarless gum, strawberries, apples, carrots, pears, and celery as these foods produces a lot of salivia.

A home remedy for a whiter smile is using baking soda. Just simply dip the top of your wet toothbrush in some baking soda and brush for a minute or so and rinse. Remember, do not swallow and you could try using mouthwash to get rid of the bad taste.

Ladies, even picking a different shade lipstick for the day can cause discolored teeth. Stray away from oranges and brown hues and instead pick colors as pink, red, purple, and plums as those shades reduces the yellowness of your teeth.

Also remember, there are the common everyday tasks to keep your teeth white and healthy such as drinking water regularly, flossing/brushing your teeth after every meal, and rinsing your mouth. 

Do you have any suggestions?

 -Professional Medical Corp.


Fast tips: Start exercising by doing everyday tasks

Now that spring is here, it’s only a couple of months before beach season! Here are some quick tips and advices that we have collected for you to help achieve your swimsuit body.

 Are you on budget and finding every excuse to not exercise? has put together great tips that show you how to work on flexibility, muscle strength and aerobic fitness for free! Some tips that the article suggests are taking a stretch break in lieu of a coffee break to gain flexibility, and working around the house such as pulling weeds and scrubbing the bathtub for muscle fitness.

If you are curious what counts as aerobic exercise, then these ordinary tasks work:

  • Walking briskly to work or to do errands
  • Pushing a lawn mower
  • Sweeping (try with fast pace music!)
  • Dancing
  • Playing actively with your children
  • Walking or playing with your dog

Also, Summer is coming up, which means hot weather! Some people are incline not to exercise, but here are some great ways to get your fitness on. Here are just some examples:

For outdoors:

  • Try to take early morning or late evening walks. Try walking with a dog or a friend so it will help you make it part of your daily routine.
  • Washing your car. This will get you outside and helps you burn your calories. Turn on some of your favorite upbeat music to help make it more fun.

For indoors:

  • Go for walks in the mall and we suggest getting a pedometer as an option for you to get motivated to beat your walking goals.
  • Doing indoor housework like dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing and cleaning! Try turning on the music and dancing to the beat. It would make these chores more fun while getting some exercise in.

For the elderly, staying active is very important as it increases their life span. By doing these simple tasks everyday, it will get their heart racing and improve their health.

  • Parking at the far end of a parking lot.
  • Taking the stairs instead of elevator or escalator.
  • Get off the bus a block early and walk home.
  • Walk to the store.
  • Enroll in a dance class.
  • Take laps around the park.

What are some of your suggestions?
