Possible NYC Ban on Large Sodas

New York City’s mayor Michael Bloomberg is fighting for large sugary drinks to be banned in public venues like movie theatres and restaurants. This ban would eliminate the sale of soft drinks that are 16ounces or larger.

Health implications due to soft drinks have been debated for years and experts now believe that sugary drinks are a leading cause of obesity.

Bloomberg’s proposed ban has been met with some criticism as to how affective it will be. Many believe that even if the ban controls large sized soft drinks businesses will find ways to get the drinks to customers, by possibly offering free refills on small drinks, and this will not support Bloomberg’s efforts to reduce sugar consumption.

Many academic scientists in the field of obesity prevention support Bloomberg’s efforts. New York City has previously banned the use of hydrogenated vegetable oils in restaurants based on scientific evidence that showed these cooking oils are hazardous to health.

The soda policy proposal is aimed at changing people’s portion size and could that really hurt in our national struggle to reduce obesity?

Find out more and read the original article HERE

~Professional Medical Corp

New Study: 42% of American Adults will be obese by 2030

A new study shows by 2030, nearly half of American adults will be obese. As of now, 36% of adults are considered obese, and the rate will continue to climb for many years to come. The researchers of this study also  announced during the Weight of Nation conference in Washington that it will cost almost $550 billion over the next 20 years to treat the additional obese people for diabetes, heart disease and other medical conditions.

The good news is that obesity’s rate has slowed down compared to the last 30 years where it has seen record pace. If those trends were to continue, more than half of American adults would be considered to be obese in 2030 (51%).

Health experts suggest the best way to attack the obesity crisis is to focus on children and prevent them from becoming obese. The Bogalusa Heart Study found that 77% of obese children become obese adults while only 7% of non-obese children do.  Another suggestion is to create public health campaigns to encourage exercise and more healthy eating, more effective weight-loss drugs and encouraging healthy food alternatives at work.

What do you think of this new study?

Click here to read the original article–courtesy of LA Times

Professional Medical

Should Sugar be Regulated like Alcohol and Cigarettes?

Well, some scientists think so. Researchers from the University of California-San Francisco believe that sugar is so destructive to the public health that it should be regulated like alcohol and cigarettes.

Recently, the researchers announced that this dangerous consumption of sugar intake is contributing to the obesity pandemic and is causing many health problems such as liver damage, high blood pressure, and altering people’s hormones. They claim in their article, “The Toxic Truth about Sugar,” that this high consumption of sugar tripled worldwide in the last 50 years and is contributing to 35 million deaths.

In order to lower consumption, the researchers recommend taxation, controlling availability, and tightening requirements to sell sugary snacks and drinks in places like school and work.

However, the American Beverage Association and the Sugar Association believe that the article is without scientific merit. The Sugar Association even believes that the authors are being reckless by scaring the public with the harm and effects of sugar.

The researchers argue back that, “‘we’re not advocating a major imposition of the government into people’s lives,’” and that their ultimate goal is to “‘actually increase people’s choices by making foods that aren’t loaded with sugar comparatively easier and cheaper to get.’”

What are your opinions?


Read the original article here—courtesy of Fox News


The Professional Medical Corp

Is Weight Gain and Relationship With Mom Related?

A new study that was published in Pediatrics followed 977 children born in 1991 and enrolled in the Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. The results found that toddlers who had a poor emotional bond with their mothers were twice as likely to become obese by age 15 compared to those who had “healthy” relationships. This concluded that the less secure the children’s early bond is with their mother, the greater chance of obesity.

The researchers suggest that there might be a relationship between teen obesity and early childhood experience which originated in the brain, in locations where regulated hormones influence emotion and stress response along with appetite, sleep-wake cycle, and other metabolic functions.

What do you think of this study?

Click here for the original article—courtesy of Times Heathland

Congress Turns Away from Healthier School Lunches

The House and Senate committee recently announced their final draft of a bill that includes $11 billion National School Lunch Program. The congress decides to deny many of USDA’s suggestions to make school lunches healthier. Apparently, ketchup and tomato sauce is still considered as vegetables and they are going to keep food such as pizza and French fries as lunch options.

Below is what they decided to NOT pass:

-Limiting starchy vegetables such as corn, peas, and potatoes to two servings a week while requiring weekly minimum of leafy veggies and vitamin rich veggies.

-Having two tablespoons of tomato paste count as a serving of vegetable.

-Reducing sodium amount in school meals.

-Requiring half of all grains and breads to come from whole grains.

Currently, a third of American children are obese.

What do you think of this new bill?

Read original article here—courtesy of Times Healthland