Altitude Sickness be Gone with Ibuprofen recently wrote an article that explains that ibuprofen’s anti-inflammatory properties might help prevent that pounding headache and other symptoms of altitude sickness. A new study published in Annals of Emergency Medicine found that people who took ibuprofen over a 24 hour period in which they went up 12, 570 feet above sea level were less likely to experience sickness than those who took a placebo. The results showed that 69% of the placebo-taking patients developed sickness like nausea, dizziness and fatigue while only 43% of those who took ibuprofen had similar symptoms.

There are only two drugs in the market that are approved to prevent and treat altitude sickness, but they are prescription-only and come with a risk of side effects. The thought of using an over-the-counter pain reliever now looks appealing to researchers.

What do you think of this new study?

Read the original article here—courtesy of

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