New study shows more men than women die of almost every type of cancer

It has always been known for years that men die of cancer more often than women, but this is the first that a new study was able to analyze individual cancers and study the sex differences. The journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention used data from 1977 to 2006 by cancer registries across the U.S and found out 33 out of the 36 cancer types that were reviewed, men died more than women. The three cancer types that women died more of are peritoneum, omentum, and mesentery cancer, gall bladder cancer, and cancer of the anus, anal canal, and anorectuum.  All three cancer types are exceptionally rare.

The study does not explain the causes of men’s higher cancer incidence, because it is not clear. These are the top five biggest disparities cancer deaths rates found in the study (they are all rare as well):

  1. Cancer of the lip: 5.51 men died for every one woman
  2. Cancer of the larynx: 5.37 med died for every one woman
  3. Cancer of the hypopharynx: 4.47 men died for every one woman
  4. Cancer of the esophagus: 4.08 men died fore very one woman
  5. Cancer of the bladder: 3.36 men died for every woman

Read original article here

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